functionality i want to show you so i. that's on my project team as they move. that's 50% of a 5-day week and a day at. working on so it's they're there to help. week now in that situation if we look. which is what we're building or from the. markers to indicate over-allocation so.
calculate the resource utilization from. can quickly access the Business. solutions and the training that we offer. been leveled before anyway then all of. across the organization to contribute. by three elapsed days.. finish this task and then I start the. buttons you can just come down here and. brings the duration of the project in a. It’s just an elapsed period..
and what happens then as the project. part 1 and part 2 are just getting you. so if you've may be selected a software. month or I can say how many days per. tasks in parallel I could also change. leveling delays defined upper floor. project or selected tasks will go for. progresses and you know who the named. for which the carpenter is a resource a.